Tuesday, June 23, 2009

IVF Update # 1

Well it has been a week since I started the IVF medications. And I guess it is fair to say that so far so good other than the occasional hot flash. I have only accused Chris of making the house 210° a couple of times in the last two days!! The doctors warned use that this would be the first thing we might notice. I am scheduled for my first ultrasound and lab tomorrow and if all is well there then I will begin the second stimulation drug Saturday. From then things start moving fairly quick. If all goes as planned then I should have my egg retrieval around the 7th of July. On a side note, I am really disappointed that I am not getting to go to Illinois for the July 4th holiday. This has been a family tradition of mine since I was born and I can only think of one year that I was unable to attend other than this year. I guess this can be added to the list of sacrifices that Chris and I have to make in order to pursue our dream of children. I will update again in a few days when I hear back from the doctors. Until then, God Bless!


Gina said...

praying, praying, praying!! I'll keep watching this space. And if your IVF is successful, what a great reason to sacrifice the trip (and wow...y'all have made that trip forEVER!)

Laci L Baurer said...
