Thursday, July 9, 2009

Embryo Report# 1!!!!!

Ok. Here is what I understand. We have 1 4-cell embryo excellent( this is the best possible), 1 4-cell excellent/good, 2 4-cell good, 1 3-cell good, 1 2-cell good, and 1 embryo that has not divided. What they say is that this is good. I am scheduled to have the top two embryo's transfered tomorrow morning at 9:30am. They will continue to call me daily with the report of the other 6/7 embryos daily and let me know when and how many reach the stage that they can be froze for further use. Talk about overwhelming! I quess the biggest news is that two of them are looking great and that the transfer is on for tomorrow! I will be on bed rest for 48 hours following the transfer so all of you think of me laying there and being bored, don't get me wrong, it is totally worth it for when it works! Keep sending up those prayers I will need them for the next two weeks in order to keep my sanity!!

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