Friday, July 10, 2009

Embryo Transfer

The transfer went great according to the doctors! I really don't know enough about all of this but I am taking their word for it. They will call us Sunday or Monday to let us know how many embryos they were able to freeze. As for now we are staying in Little Rock at a hotel for my 48 hour bed rest. Believe it or not there is more to do here on bed rest than at home! Keep praying for God's will!!

1 comment:

Gina said...

I've been away from the computer for a few days - just read your post about the egg retrieval and how sick you were. Girl, I feel for you there - anesthesia is worse for me than anything else...ever! I'm so sorry! But thankful they were able to retrieve some good eggs! I'm praying that those babies take!!!!! I know the 2WW (two-week-wait) is excruciating. But you know The One who is in control of this entire situation. Trust in Him and rest in Him!