Wednesday, July 22, 2009

First Round of IVF

I am sitting here with a sad heart as I am writing this. Our first try at IVF was unsuccessful. But it is with God’s grace that we will keep our heads up and our hearts focused on Him and make decisions for the future. We have an appointment with the doctors at the end of the month to look at our options. Those options are basically try IVF again, at no guarantee that we will work, or save that money and start working towards adoption. Adoption is a whole new ball game. Chris and I have always been open to adoption but once you move forward with this there is a whole gamete of new decisions to be made! Prayers would be much appreciated during the next couple of weeks as we explore all of our options.

1 comment:

Gina said...

Oh, Laci...I will pray for you, girl. Hugs, hugs, hugs.